What We Believe:
Concerning Scripture: We believe the Bible is the infallible, inspired, inerrant Word of God and has been preserved by Almighty God. We believe that the Scriptures are the sole authority for faith and practice.
Concerning God: We believe in the Trinity; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We believe in the dual nature of God the Son, fully God, yet fully man in the Person of Jesus Christ. We believe in the virgin birth. We believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross, was buried and remained in the grave three days, then arose the third day in bodily form and appeared to many. He ascended into heaven, where He remains until the day He comes to rule and reign on earth. The Holy Spirit indwells every believer enabling Him to live according to Biblical standards.
Concerning Man: We believe man is a fallen, sinful creature and is destined for Hell due to falling short of God's law. Man is totally depraved and in need of a Savior.
Concerning Salvation: We believe that salvation from the second death is provided in the Person and Work of Jesus Christ. Salvation is faith "plus nothing." Men are justified in the sight of God by His grace alone through faith in the merit of Jesus Christ.
Concerning the Life of the Believer: We are not only saved by grace through faith, but we are enabled to live godly, obedient lives by grace through faith.
Concerning Everlasting Live/Death: We believe the saved will live eternally in the presence of God forever, and the unsaved will be everlastingly punished in Hell.
Basic Purposes of The Promised Land Camp:
1. To glorify God through the edification of Christians by the teaching of God's Word.
2. To develop the young people of our churches for a life of Christian service.
3. To train young people in Christian living by teaching them to feed daily on God's Word and by prayer.
4. To reach unsaved young people by teaching them the necessity of the new birth through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ according to the Word of God.
5. To accomplish similar purposes and spiritual results with adults through recreational camping, Bible conferences, and evangelistic camp meetings.
6. To provide facilities for various church and Sunday School activities in keeping with the general purposes outlined above.
2. To develop the young people of our churches for a life of Christian service.
3. To train young people in Christian living by teaching them to feed daily on God's Word and by prayer.
4. To reach unsaved young people by teaching them the necessity of the new birth through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ according to the Word of God.
5. To accomplish similar purposes and spiritual results with adults through recreational camping, Bible conferences, and evangelistic camp meetings.
6. To provide facilities for various church and Sunday School activities in keeping with the general purposes outlined above.